.. _changelog: Changelog ========= UNRELEASED ---------- * Add support for Python 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12. * Drop support for EOL Python 3.7. * Add type hints. 1.3.0 (2023-10-23) ------------------ - Fixed compatibility with ``Flask 3.0`` -- the consequence is that the deprecated and incompatible ``request_ctx`` has been removed. 1.2.1 ------------------ - Fix bug in ``:meth:pytest_flask.fixtures.live_server`` where ``SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN`` was set to false due to ``original_server_name`` defaulting to "localhost". The new default is "localhost.localdomain". - Drop support for python 3.6 and 3.5 1.2.0 (2021-02-26) ------------------ - Remove deprecated ``:meth:live_server.url`` - fixture ``request_ctx is now deprecated`` and will be removed in the future - ``JSONReponse.json`` removed in favour of ``Werkzeug.wrappers.Response.json`` 1.1.0 (2020-11-08) ------------------ - Speedup live server start time. Use `socket` instead of server pulling (`#58`_) to check server availability and add new ``--live-server-wait`` option to set the live server wait timeout. Thanks to `@jadkik`_. 1.0.0 (2020-03-03) ------------------ **Important** - ``live_server`` is now ``session``-scoped by default. This can be changed by using the ``live-server_scope`` option in your ``pytest.ini`` (`#113`_). Thanks `@havok2063`_ for the initial patch and `@TWood67`_ for finishing it up. - pytest 5.2 or later is now required. - Python 2.7 and 3.4 are no longer supported. .. _@havok2063: https://github.com/havok2063 .. _@TWood67: https://github.com/TWood67 .. _#113: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-flask/pull/113 0.15.1 (2020-02-03) ------------------- - Fix ``ImportError`` with ``Werkzeug 1.0.0rc1`` (`#105`_). .. _#105: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-flask/pull/105 0.15.0 (2019-05-13) ------------------- - Properly register the ``options`` marker (`#97`_). .. _#97: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-flask/pull/97 0.14.0 (2018-10-15) ------------------- - New ``--live-server-host`` command-line option to set the host name used by the ``live_server`` fixture. Thanks `@o1da`_ for the PR (`#90`_). .. _@o1da: https://github.com/o1da .. _#90: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-flask/pull/90 0.13.0 (2018-09-29) ------------------- - ``JSONReponse`` now supports comparison directly with status codes: .. code-block:: python assert client.get('invalid-route', headers=[('Accept', 'application/json')]) == 404 Thanks `@dusktreader`_ for the PR (`#86`_). .. _@dusktreader: https://github.com/dusktreader .. _#86: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-flask/pull/86 0.12.0 (2018-09-06) ------------------- - ``pytest-flask`` now requires ``pytest>=3.6`` (`#84`_). - Add new ``--live-server-port`` option to select the port the live server will use (`#82`_). Thanks `@RazerM`_ for the PR. - Now ``live_server`` will try to stop the server cleanly by emitting a ``SIGINT`` signal and waiting 5 seconds for the server to shutdown. If the server is still running after 5 seconds, it will be forcefully terminated. This behavior can be changed by passing ``--no-live-server-clean-stop`` in the command-line (`#49`_). Thanks `@jadkik`_ for the PR. - Internal fixes silence pytest warnings, more visible now with ``pytest-3.8.0`` (`#84`_). .. _@jadkik: https://github.com/jadkik .. _@RazerM: https://github.com/RazerM .. _#49: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-flask/issues/49 .. _#82: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-flask/pull/82 .. _#84: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-flask/pull/84 0.11.0 (compared to 0.10.0) --------------------------- - Implement deployment using Travis, following in line with many other pytest plugins. - Allow live server to handle concurrent requests (`#56`_), thanks to `@mattwbarry`_ for the PR. - Fix broken link to pytest documentation (`#50`_), thanks to `@jineshpaloor`_ for the PR. - Tox support (`#48`_), thanks to `@steenzout`_ for the PR. - Add ``LICENSE`` into distribution (`#43`_), thanks to `@danstender`_. - Minor typography improvements in documentation. - Add changelog to documentation. .. _#43: https://github.com/vitalk/pytest-flask/issues/43 .. _#48: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-flask/pull/48 .. _#50: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-flask/pull/50 .. _#56: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-flask/pull/56 .. _#58: steenzouthttps://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-flask/pull/58 .. _@danstender: https://github.com/danstender .. _@jadkik: https://github.com/jadkik .. _@jineshpaloor: https://github.com/jineshpaloor .. _@mattwbarry: https://github.com/mattwbarry .. _@steenzout: https://github.com/steenzout 0.10.0 (compared to 0.9.0) -------------------------- - Add ``--start-live-server``/``--no-start-live-server`` options to prevent live server from starting automatically (`#36`_), thanks to `@EliRibble`_. - Fix title formatting in documentation. .. _#36: https://github.com/vitalk/pytest-flask/issues/36 .. _@EliRibble: https://github.com/EliRibble 0.9.0 (compared to 0.8.1) ------------------------- - Rename marker used to pass options to application, e.g. ``pytest.mark.app`` is now ``pytest.mark.options`` (`#35`_). - Documentation badge points to the package documentation. - Add Travis CI configuration to ensure the tests are passed in supported environments (`#32`_). .. _#32: https://github.com/vitalk/pytest-flask/issues/32 .. _#35: https://github.com/vitalk/pytest-flask/issues/35 0.8.1 ----- - Minor changes in documentation. 0.8.0 ----- - New ``request_ctx`` fixture which contains all request relevant information (`#29`_). .. _#29: https://github.com/vitalk/pytest-flask/issues/29 0.7.5 ----- - Use pytest ``monkeypath`` fixture to teardown application config (`#27`_). .. _#27: https://github.com/vitalk/pytest-flask/issues/27 0.7.4 ----- - Better test coverage, e.g. tests for available fixtures and markers. 0.7.3 ----- - Use retina-ready badges in documentation (`#21`_). .. _#21: https://github.com/vitalk/pytest-flask/issues/21 0.7.2 ----- - Use pytest ``monkeypatch`` fixture to rewrite live server name. 0.7.1 ----- - Single-sourcing package version (`#24`_), as per `"Python Packaging User Guide" `_. .. _#24: https://github.com/vitalk/pytest-flask/issues/24 0.7.0 ----- - Add package documentation (`#20`_). .. _#20: https://github.com/vitalk/pytest-flask/issues/20 0.6.3 ----- - Better documentation in README with reST formatting (`#18`_), thanks to `@greedo`_. .. _#18: https://github.com/vitalk/pytest-flask/issues/18 .. _@greedo: https://github.com/greedo 0.6.2 ----- - Release the random port before starting the application live server (`#17`_), thanks to `@davehunt`_. .. _#17: https://github.com/vitalk/pytest-flask/issues/17 .. _@davehunt: https://github.com/davehunt 0.6.1 ----- - Bind live server to a random port instead of 5000 or whatever is passed on the command line, so it’s possible to execute tests in parallel via pytest-dev/pytest-xdist (`#15`_). Thanks to `@davehunt`_. - Remove ``--liveserver-port`` option. .. _#15: https://github.com/vitalk/pytest-flask/issues/15 .. _@davehunt: https://github.com/davehunt 0.6.0 ----- - Fix typo in option help for ``--liveserver-port``, thanks to `@svenstaro`_. .. _@svenstaro: https://github.com/svenstaro 0.5.0 ----- - Add ``live_server`` fixture uses to run application in the background (`#11`_), thanks to `@svenstaro`_. .. _#11: https://github.com/vitalk/pytest-flask/issues/11 .. _@svenstaro: https://github.com/svenstaro 0.4.0 ----- - Add ``client_class`` fixture for class-based tests. 0.3.4 ----- - Include package requirements into distribution (`#8`_). .. _#8: https://github.com/vitalk/pytest-flask/issues/8 0.3.3 ----- - Explicitly pin package dependencies and their versions. 0.3.2 ----- - Use ``codecs`` module to open files to prevent possible errors on open files which contains non-ascii characters. 0.3.1 ----- First release on PyPI.