Feature reference

Extension provides some sugar for your tests, such as:

  • Access to context bound objects (url_for, request, session) without context managers:

    def test_app(client):
        assert client.get(url_for('myview')).status_code == 200
  • Easy access to JSON data in response:

    def ping():
        return jsonify(ping='pong')
    def test_api_ping(client):
        res = client.get(url_for('api.ping'))
        assert res.json == {'ping': 'pong'}


    User-defined json attribute/method in application response class will not be overwritten. So you can define your own response deserialization method:

    from flask import Response
    from myapp import create_app
    class MyResponse(Response):
        '''Implements custom deserialization method for response objects.'''
        def json(self):
            return 42
    def app():
        app = create_app()
        app.response_class = MyResponse
        return app
    def test_my_json_response(client):
        res = client.get(url_for('api.ping'))
        assert res.json == 42
  • Running tests in parallel with pytest-xdist. This can lead to significant speed improvements on multi core/multi CPU machines.

    This requires the pytest-xdist plugin to be available, it can usually be installed with:

    pip install pytest-xdist

    You can then run the tests by running:

    pytest -n <number of processes>

Not enough pros? See the full list of available fixtures and markers below.


pytest-flask provides a list of useful fixtures to simplify application testing. More information on fixtures and their usage is available in the pytest documentation.

client - application test client

An instance of app.test_client. Typically refers to flask.Flask.test_client.


During test execution a request context will be automatically pushed for you, so context-bound methods can be conveniently called (e.g. url_for, session.


def test_myview(client):
    assert client.get(url_for('myview')).status_code == 200

client_class - application test client for class-based tests


class TestSuite:

    def test_myview(self):
        assert self.client.get(url_for('myview')).status_code == 200

config - application config

An instance of app.config. Typically refers to flask.Config.

live_server - application live server

Run application in a separate process (useful for tests with Selenium and other headless browsers).


The server’s URL can be retrieved using the url_for function.

from flask import url_for

class TestLiveServer:

    def test_server_is_up_and_running(self):
        res = urllib2.urlopen(url_for('index', _external=True))
        assert b'OK' in res.read()
        assert res.code == 200

--start-live-server - start live server automatically (default)

--no-start-live-server - don’t start live server automatically

By default the server will start automatically whenever you reference live_server fixture in your tests. But starting live server imposes some high costs on tests that need it when they may not be ready yet. To prevent that behavior pass --no-start-live-server into your default options (for example, in your project’s pytest.ini file):

addopts = --no-start-live-server


You should manually start live server after you finish your application configuration and define all required routes:

def test_add_endpoint_to_live_server(live_server):
    def test_endpoint():
        return 'got it', 200


    res = urlopen(url_for('test_endpoint', _external=True))
    assert res.code == 200
    assert b'got it' in res.read()

--live-server-wait - the live server wait timeout (5 seconds)

The timeout after which test case is aborted if live server is not started.

--live-server-port - use a fixed port

By default the server uses a random port. In some cases it is desirable to run the server with a fixed port. You can use --live-server-port (for example, in your project’s pytest.ini file):

addopts = --live-server-port=5000

live_server_scope - set the scope of the live server

By default, the server will be scoped to session for performance reasons, however if your server has global state and you want better test isolation, you can use the live_server_scope ini option to change the fixture scope:

live_server_scope = function

HTTP Request

Common request methods are available through the internals of the Flask API. Specifically, the API creates the default flask.Flask.test_client instance, which works like a regular Werkzeug test client.


def test_post_request(client, live_server):
    def get_endpoint():
        return url_for('name.load', _external=True)


    res = client.post(
        headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'},

    assert res.status_code == 200
def test_get_request(client, live_server):
    def get_endpoint():
        return url_for('name.load', _external=True)


    res = client.get(get_endpoint())

    assert res.status_code == 200


The notation name.load_data, corresponds to a endpoint='load' attribute, within a route decorator. The following is a route decorator using the blueprint implementation:

from flask import Blueprint, request

# local variables
blueprint = Blueprint(

@blueprint.route('/load-data', methods=['POST'], endpoint='load')
def load_data():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if request.get_json():

Alternatively, the route function can be referenced directly from the live_server implementation, rather than implementing an endpoint:

def test_load_data(live_server, client):
    @live_server.app.route('/load-data', methods=['POST'])
    def load_data():


    res = client.post(url_for('load_data'), data={})
    assert res.status_code == 200


Remember to explicitly define which methods are supported when registering the above route function.

Content negotiation

An important part of any REST service is content negotiation. It allows you to implement behaviour such as selecting a different serialization scheme for different media types.

HTTP has provisions for several mechanisms for “content negotiation” - the process of selecting the best representation for a given response when there are multiple representations available.

RFC 2616 Section 12. Fielding, et al.

The most common way to select one of the multiple possible representations is via Accept request header. The following series of accept_* fixtures provides an easy way to test content negotiation in your application:

def test_api_endpoint(accept_json, client):
    res = client.get(url_for('api.endpoint'), headers=accept_json)
    assert res.mimetype == 'application/json'

accept_any - */* accept header

*/* accept header suitable to use as parameter in client.

accept_json - application/json accept header

application/json accept header suitable to use as parameter in client.

accept_jsonp - application/json-p accept header

application/json-p accept header suitable to use as parameter in client.


pytest-flask registers the following markers. See the pytest documentation on what markers are and for notes on using them.

pytest.mark.options - pass options to your application config


The mark used to pass options to your application config.


kwargs (dict) – The dictionary used to extend application config.

Example usage:

def test_app(app):
    assert not app.debug, 'Ensure the app is not in debug mode'