Getting started

Pytest is capable to pick up and run existing tests without any or little configuration. This section describes how to get started quickly.

Step 1. Install

pytest-flask is available on PyPi, and can be easily installed via pip:

pip install pytest-flask

Step 2. Configure

Define your application fixture in

from myapp import create_app

def app():
    app = create_app()
    return app

Step 3. Run your test suite

Use the pytest command to run your test suite:



Test discovery.

Pytest discovers your tests and has a built-in integration with other testing tools (such as nose, unittest and doctest). More comprehensive examples and use cases can be found in the official documentation.

What’s next?

The Feature reference section gives a more detailed view of available features, as well as test fixtures and markers.

Consult the pytest documentation for more information about pytest itself.

If you want to contribute to the project, see the How to contribute section.